Rabu, 07 September 2011

Emulator Playstation SX V1.13

Wahdanz Blogs - Kali ini saya mau shere cara bermain ps1 /playstation di computer mungkin ada dari sobat yang kangen bermain ps tapi ps nya sudah rusak atau hilang entah kemana, ingatkah permainan ps1 semisal harvestmoon, digimon, pepsimen tentu kita akan kembali bernostalgila dengan semua itu, disini saya akan memberikan emulator ps1 yaitu PSX mungkin hampis sama dengan ePSXe tapi di sini psx lebih sederhana dan tidak perlu configurasi yang ribet dan yang paling saya sukai pribadi adalah quick savenya yang artinya bisa ngesave dmana aja asik kan.

download [ IDWS, 922kb]
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5 Aktor yang Tewas Saat Shooting Film

Siapa tak kenal Jacky Chen, aktor yang tak pernah mau menggunakan jasa stuntman dalam setiap film yang dimainkannya. Namun tidak semua aktor beruntung ketika memainkan perannya secara langsung tanpa diganti stuntman. Berikut aktor yang tewas saat syuting sebuah film. Berikut 5 aktor yang tewas saat menyelesaikan filmnya:

1. Bruce Lee
Aktor yang dilahirkan pada 27 November 1940 di San Francisco ini tewas saat menyelesaikan dubbing film Enter (1940-11-27) The Dragon. Instruktur Martial Art ini tewas di kamar mandi akibat ada pembengkakan diotaknya. Berbagai spekulasi beredar atas kematian sang aktor. Ada yang menyebutkan Bruce Lee tewas di racun. Namun ada juga yang menyebutkan Lee tewas akibat ganja.

Bruce Lee (Sumber: netnewspublisher.com)

Bruce Lee besama gurunya Ipman (Sumber: blogspot.com)

2. Brandon Lee
Seperti sang ayah Bruce Lee, Brandon tewas saat menyelesaikan filmnya. 31 Maret 1993 di Nort Carolina Studios, Wilmington NC, merupakan hari dimana syuting film The Crow tersisa 8 hari. Dalam sebuah adegan, Brandon yang memerankan sosok Eric Draven membawa sebuah tas. Di saat bersamaan aktor lawan mainnya Michael Masse ditugasi menembak Eric tepat di tas yang dibawanya. Ternyata pistol yang dikenakan Masse berpeluru tajam dan tas Eric berisi mesiu asli.

Brandon Lee (Sumber: brandonlee.eu)

Brandon Lee (Sumber:membres.multimania.fr)

3. Roy Kinnear
Saat menyelesaikan film The Return of the Musketeers, Roy Kinnear melakukan adegan menunjang kuda. Namun saat syuting pada 20 September 1988 di Madrid Spanyol tersebut, Kinnear terjatuh dan mengalami patah tulang pinggang hingga nyawanya tidak tertolong lagi.

Roy Kinnear dalam film The Return of the Musketeers (sumber:listverse.files.wordpress.com)

Roy Kinnear (Sumber: imgobject.com)

4. Paul Mantz
Memerankan peran seorang pilot dalam film The Flight of the Phoenix yang diproduksi pada 1965, Paul Mantz menolak menggunakan jasa stuntman dalam menerbangkan pesawat asli. Mantz yang juga seorang pilot mengharapkan hasil maksimal dari pengalamannya sebagai pilot. Namun kesalahan saat maneuver take-off membuat pesawat jatuh. Sementra Bobby Rose stuntman yang duduk di samping Mantz dalam cockpit mengalami cedera serius.

Paul Mantz (Sumber: dmairfield.org)

Paul Mantz dalm film The Flight of the Phoenix (Sumber: uk.ask.com)

5. Victor "Vic" Morrow
Dalam pembuatan film Twilight Zone, Vic tewas bersama dan aktor cilik Myca Dinh Le (7 tahun) dan Renee Shin-Yi (6 tahun). Ketiganya tewas dalam helikopter yang digunakan dalam film tersebut saat berada di ketinggian 8 meter. Jarak tersebut tidak cukup jauh untuk terhindar dari ledakan yang sengaja dibuat pada film itu. (**)

Victor "Vic" Morrow (Sumber: sgstb.msn.com)

Victor "Vic" Morrow (Sumber: flickr.com)
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Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Cara Mengganti Nama Facebook yang Sudah Tidak Bisa diganti

Di sini saya sharing-sharing saja cara mengganti nama Facebook (FB) yang sudah tidak bisa di ganti lagi seperti FB-saya, di karenakan karena terlalu banyak mengganti nama Facebook (FB), akhirnya pihak Facebook Devolepers mengunci/nama kita tidak bisa di ganti lagi dengan cara yang saya berikan di bawah ini Insya Allah bisa di ganti. ^_^

1. Pertama-tama masuk di sini http://www.facebook.com/roadblock/roadblock_me.php?r=5
2. Klik "Amankan Akun"

3. Jangan ganti tanggal lahir Klik "Lewati" saja
4. Ganti Kata Sandi Anda
5. Dan ganti nama anda
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Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

Berimajinasi Dengan Gambar

mau lihat Gambar lucu ?? Klik aja Spoiler dibawah ini .. di jamin ngakak dahh..hahaha


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Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Custom Maid 3D + Patch update + Skill Pack tutorial+DL link [MF]

Yah, karena banyak banget masalah soal game ini, jadi akhirnya gw bahas disini =.=a

CUSTOM MAID 3D (カスタムメイド3D ) yg biasa disingkat CM3D adalah H game 3D buatan KISS yang menceritakan kita sebagai pemeran utama (yang kita mainin) yang diajak ke sebuah Maid Club (menurut gw sih) oleh kakek sang pemeran utama tsb. Dan tanpa disengaja, salah satu maid itu adalah teman semasa kecil, tentunya kangen dong? Lanjut. Di CM3D ini, kita diperintahkan untuk mengatur maid kita menjadi apapun yg kita mau (MENGATUR, bukan MENGUBAH). Ya tentunya mengatur tentang hal2 yang berbau ero~ XD

Game Size (packed .rar)       : I don't count it...
Game Size (unpacked)         : i don't care
Game Size (after installation): like hell i care....

Cukup intronya, sekarang beralih ke MAIN GAME!!!

terlihat ada 3 file disitu, yg paling atas adalah CM3D yang masih dalam bentuk .rar, yg kedua .ISO, dan yg ketiga berbentuk .MDS...
Udah tau cara pakainya kan? Gunakan software DAEMON TOOLS (bisa tanya ke mbah google),  dan kalo udah punya, silahkan MOUNT file yg bertipe .ISO ato .MDS (dua2nya oke)

Main game ini berisikan Installer CM3D, atau bisa dibilang CLIENT CM3D. jelas tanpa ini gak bakal bisa main -_-a

Untuk penginstallan, jika autorun kalian dinonaktifkan, maka bisa membuka CM3D dari My Computer. dan klik Installer.exe
Maka hasilnya seperti ini::

lihat tombol yang berwarna biru sendirian itu? Itu adalah tombol uninstaller (karena saia udah di install, kalo belum itu tombol bakal jadi tombol buat install)
Oya, untuk Windows XP setting folder defaultnya C:\KISS, sedangkan untuk Windows Vista dan Seven dimana aja bisa~

Spesifikasi untuk main game ini:
*KOMPUTER (minimal): Intel Pentium4  2,80GHz, HDD 250GB(buat nginstall smuanya). RAM 1Gb, VGA 521MB support Pixel Shadder, DirectX terbaru,dan monitor flat 21" (puas dah tuh)
 *LAPTOP (punya gw): Intel Core i5 2,30GHz, RAM 4GB, VGA 3GB, dan sisanya sama kayak diatas....

Dulu pas gw pake yg Acer, Intel Dual Core, VGA gak jelas, RAM 2GB, HDD 250GB tetep gak kuat mainnya ==a

PATCH UPDATE, sama kayak game online, kalo gak di patch dan di update gak bisa main kan? Ini juga sama~
Sebenernya Patch update itu supaya tampilan CM3D menjadi bahasa inggris (karena originalnya bahasa jepang), kemudian untuk men-UNCENCORED dick dan pussy  (cross aja), dan terakhir berisikan beberapa plugin seperti baju, aksesoris, dll.

Custom Maid 3D HF Patch, ini adalah patch official yang udah dibuat oleh Inquisitor dari HongFire (hell yeah!)

apa harus gw jelasin juga cara nginstallnya??? ( =3=)/

Klik next aja

pastiin lokasi folder CM3Dnya udah bener, kalo udah klik next, dan tunggu aja, ntar juga selesai~



Inilah Update terbaru CM3D, yaitu Skill Pack, dimana ada beberapa tambahan skill dan juga lokasi baru.
Skill Pack ini bisa dibilang CLIENT kedua dari CM3D. 

~Lupa SS Skill packnya =.=a~

Size (packed .rar)      : I don't care
Size (unpacked)         : don't ask me!
Size (after installation): God only knows.....

Btw, karena sewaktu pencarian game ini bersama temen gw di FB yg bernama Mike Blurosegw dapet ini Skill Pack, dan memang seharusnya ini juga berisikan Client/installer CM3D, tapi kemaren ada yg bilang gak ada (padahal gw download ada CM3D.exe)
Dan jika setelah mendownload SKILL PACK ini dan didalamnya tidak menemukan CM3D.exe ataupun Installer.exe, maka, dengan amat menyesal gw harus katakan....download lagi client utamanya =.=a

Oya, untuk Skill Pack ini mungkin ada skill baru yang akan error kalau dimainin, sementara anggap aja itu emang kesalahan dari sononya, dan juga masih ada teks yg bahasa jepang meskipun udah di patch 1.17, untuk hal ini silahkan lapor ke Inquisitor di HongFire ya...


CM3DSP Gold Disk 2 : http://www.mediafire.com/?o2ykey3ezooj04s (sama kyk part 7 kan?)

Password buat UPDATE dan SKILL PACK: rsei1978


dan jika ada error dalam penginstallan atau pada saat bermain game, silahkan buka http://scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Custom_Maid_3D_Technical_Help

Thanks to Inquisitor from HongFire for making this game more easier~

Info update patch akan gw post di fb kalau udah ada yang baru~



Dikabarkan bahwa ketika menginstall SKILL PACK (SP) pada saat proses penginstallan 99% (waktu meng-extract Gold Disk2) terjadi error, disarankan meng uninstall dan menghapus CM3D yg udah di install kemudian di install lagi!!!!



*kalo punya Visual Pack (VP), sebelum install SP, install dulu VP.
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Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Artificial Academy

~ Artificial Academy ~
~ Illusion ~
~ Release Date ~ 2011-06-10 ~
~ Age Rating ~ 18+ ~(M)
~ Genre ~ 3D Eroge ~

Warning: The screen shots contained within spoilers contain strong graphical
content and should not be viewed in a not work safe environment. And well if you are
a minor what are you doing reading an Illusion game review in the first place.

Authors Note: Well this is my first attempt on a game review in this forum for the article section, i never done an eroge tittle before either so any constructive criticism, comments and ect are very welcome.

The newest gem from Illusion, one of the most known 3D eroge makers, with a number of quality titles in their games list. What will this game have to offer us, lets take an in depth look at the game.

~ First Glance ~

Graphics: This game follows the cell shaded anime style similar to some previous Illusion tittles (Home mate, School mate). However the quality is at a very pleasant level, with good character physics.

Music: This isn't the strong point of the game, the tracks aren't bad, but they aren't tracks that you can listen for a long time, they get old very quick, and you will be listening to them a whole lot if you are playing this game.

Sound: The voice acting is of decent quality, other sounds fit in well into the game, though there aren't many of them in the first place.

Controls: At first glance they are horrendous and confusing, but once you get the hang of them, they actually work really well. I will cover the controls wider later on.

~ The Character Editor ~

This is undoubtedly the strongest point of the game. Though needing an install of a separate program, it allows you to customize your characters as much as you please. The amount of customization is truly impressive. So lets take a closer look at the options available.


Body and face: The options here is pretty much all you would need, the face customization could use some more options, but in general it works very well. Body types available are fully flexible too, ranging from total loli to big opai style, so whichever drives you, the options are available for you. Colors selections are available too, though the color selection could be more impressive.

Hair: This is the most excelling part of the editor, the amount of combinations possible are ranging above half a million possible hair styles, that's right, half a million. You can adjust everything, front of the hair, back of the hair, sides, top, extra things like antennae commonly found on anime characters, so the possibilities are endless and with some work it should be possible to replicate nearly any character you want. However there is a downside to this too, the selection of male and female styles are the same, which some what limits the hair styles for male characters as the styles are designed to be girly.

Personality: Another option set of options that affects your characters looks, this time changing their posture and voice (also ingame dialog lines) depending on your personality choices, adding an extra layer of what your character will look. The postures are nicely done and do provide a nice touch to your character. The other options in that menu aren't that important and do not affect game play much, the only real difference is that it will affect the characters popularity between the other characters depending on their tastes.


Thought: Affects characters behavior in game under certain circumstances, the options there are pretty self explanatory, and dont really change all that much (apart from orientation obviously), they mainly change whether your character will remain clothed during H scenes in public places or not, and their popularity among other characters. Also certain settings can make your character into a nympho. The notable important option here is the evil setting, but i will cover that later.

Taste: Well this last one is pretty self explanatory.

Another notable thing about the editor is the openly sharable files, you can use others creations and give them yours, in fact Illusion has a character sharing website with thousands of available characters, so if you are lazy or lack the creative flare you can check the site out and still never run out of models to use.

~ The Game ~

The Begining: But lets try the game out finally, we didnt come here to just review the editor.

As you start the game you will be presented with a ability to create your own class, this is where all of your hard work in the editor will pay off. You can arange every person your self, or do a randomised option and the editor will create one for you, note that the first character you will import will become your game character, however you can change that at the end of the day. You are able to directly take control of any character in your classroom.


The uniform colors are also customisable, the style collection isnt very impressive, especially compared to the character editor, but it has some basic color swaps.


After we are done there, the game play kicks in.

~ Game Play ~

Graphics: This is where the game goes down hill, first of all the graphical cuts become apoarent, since there are cases where are 25 characters on screen at one time, they had to create special reduced graphics models for characters, which look like something from a pretty bad ps1 game. Secondly the maps are just drawn picture screens, and while there is some variaty in teh locations, they dont really change anything in game, there are certain areas (Rooftop, classroom, library and club areas) that will let you perform certain actions during certain times of day, but in general there is no interaction with the environment at all.


Story: There is no story in this game at all, its just pretty much pick a girl (or guy) you want and go all out. But i suppose since this is a H game that is forgivable.

Character Interaction: The character interaction is pretty bad too, first of all the icons in the action screen are just plain stupid, without clicking esc and reading help for each icon it's impossible to tell what some of them are. Oh a cup of green tea icon, well that must be something like have a drink with the person or have a chat, wrong, it tries to calm the person. And could anyone tell me in what language does a duck icon mean follow me, seriously...


The dialog is also painfully bad, ignore the machine translated text, just listen to what the characters actually say, the main person depending on their character will have ONE line for each option, which they will sprout over and over no matter what circumstances, the replies are also 4-5 options of one liners from the person you are interacting with, and those are like one sentence long if that. Most of the time its gonna be "Oh really..." "Oh wow..." "Aha..." "I think so too.", it gets incredibly old very very fast. The voice acting is on a good level, but the variety is tragic.

Interactivity: The actual stuff to do in the game is horribly limited too, the actions pretty much sum up in have lunch with person or group, study with person or group, train with person or group and go home with person or group, that's it, the dialog options don't matter at all, the only ones you will really need is come with me, meet me there and talk about love, the time of day interact and the ecchi stuff, that's all, everything else you can more or less ignore. And the game is incredibly easy, with a right combination of invites, actions and love talking after each action you can make the character be head over heels in love with you in 5 time ticks, as in start in morning and the next morning you can do whatever you want already.

Take note though, that if you have a character with an "Evil" trait, and if you cheat on them, there is a good chance that they will kill your character, it seems a bit of a stretch for cheating, but that option is there.

The characters tend to lack consistency too, sometimes if you invite them to do something they will say no like 3 times, each time reducing your percentage of the action succeeding, but then suddenly she agrees to do so. Also sometimes it is hard to say what the person thinks about you, cos they can have horrid mood swings in their dialog lines. But well that is fixed with THE ONLY intractable object in the maps, the statue, which happily tells you what each character thinks about you.


The amount of actions you can do per time tick (time of day) are limited too, you have a certain number of points and each action you do costs a certain amount of points, but how much what costs the game doesn't have the decency to inform, in fact the points aren't even visible, i didn't know about them at all till i checked the wiki page.

A nice touch they did add is that the other characters do interact between them selves, and possibly in the long run they bare some interesting fruit, but you will be bored of the game after 2-3 weeks game time and just come back occasionally for a random ecchi scene.

~ The Juicy Bits ~

The Positions: Well this is where the game gets back up from its downfall in the game, the H scenes have quite a variaty of positions, 64 for Straight, 16 for yuri and i havent tried the yaoi, not sure if they have the H scene option. Although some pretty obvious positions were excluded, they have no cunnilingus, 69, and a position that would have been an obvious thing in a game with so many characters, a threesome. But the existing positions are well done and have a good variation from hardcore to passionate loving. The controls are automatic more or less, you can adjust the speed and the position, but that's all. The orgasms are also just a click of the button, and there is no simultaneous orgasm.

Locations: The locations available to do H in are literally any, though some characters will react differently when caught, also the publicness of the location and the characters personality will determine how much the character will undress (You cannot control that your self.).

Sounds: The voice acting is of decent quality, though a little repetative, there does not seem to be any definition between the persons character and their moans, i mean you dont quite expect a shy character to scream on the top of their lungs. But either way as much as those things go, the quality is good.

Graphics: The graphics are at a good quality, the physics are good, though the breast jiggling is a bit overboard. The shadows match nicely, the characters dont blend into each other, and after the uncensor (i guess it applies to the censored version too) The certain parts go into the certain parts very acurately. All in all its a pleasant to watch.

The screenshots in this are with nearly maximum graphics (only antialiasing was at 2x instead of 4x).

~ The End Word ~

All in all a decent title, even with its downfalls, but you aren't going to spend much time on it as it gets boring pretty fast. So if you like that style of games it's worth a check out, just the character customization is worth a shot.

I don't believe in a accurate numerical representation of a score for a game, so read the review and judge the score your self.
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Custom Maid 3D

~ Custom Maid 3D ~
~ KISS ~
~ Release Date ~ 2011-01-28 ~
~ Age Rating ~ 18+(M) ~
~ Genre ~ 3D Eroge ~

Warning: The screen shots contained within spoilers contain strong
graphical content and should not be viewed in a not work safe
environment. And well if you are a minor well... go away.

A quite popular game from KISS featuring your own maid in a host club, let's take a look what the game has to offer us.

~ First Glance ~

Graphics: The style is done in a cell shaded anime style, however it seems to be lacking a bit, even with the graphics high up, the game doesn't look very impressive. It's pretty, but it isnt impressive. (Some screenshots may look a little bit choppy, but that's cos i droppedthe game graphics to 800x600 to take screenshots that wont need resizing after.)

Music: The little music there is in this game is good quality, nothing much to note here really.

Sound: Voice acting is really well done, the differences between the available personalities are pretty obvious and reflect both in conversations and in H scenes.

Controls: The control scheme pretty much ends with select different options from a menu. The camera controls could be better, but they work once you get the hang of them.

~ The Game ~

Well lets take a closer look at the game now and what it has to offer us.

~ Character Creation ~

Body: The character creation is all you would expect a game like this to offer, the body adjustments are nice, allowing you to alter not only the height and breast size, but also physical features like shoulders, arms, hip width, waist, butt and ect.

The hair selection is pretty impressive, allowing you to flexibly adjust various parts of the hair, front, end, side bangs, antennae and such. The color is fully flexible and customizable in a standard RGB pallet style.

The face features are a bit of a let down, you can only adjust the eye color and two types of eyebrow shapes. Oh and you also have a bizarrely big selection of moles, dunno why such a wide selection there, moles aren't even common in anime style.


Clothing: The clothing is lacking, the majority of the clothes are just color swaps, even with all items unlocked the variation isnt impressive. And while this is technically a maid game,the game concentrates on various maid uniforms too much, some flexibility would have been nice.


There are some preset characters available, including your very own Miku Hatsune maid, which is a nice touch, however the random clothing generator option available is horrendous, i tried about 20 times and it couldnt come up with anything that didn't look like the character just fell into a pile of clothing.


~ Game Play ~

Story: The game has an attempt at a story, but quite frankly it fails miserably. To sumarise it, you are rich guy X who goes to a host club and gets a maid who is his childhood friend also. They could have seriously come up with something more impressive.

Interactivity: Sadly enough there is almost none, if you are looking for a game with something more to do than just H stuff, this isn't the game for you. The options available for you is to make your maid dance/sing to a song (there is only one available) and while it can be fun to watch once, you'll most likely never do it again.


You can also converse with your maid, but i'm not sure if that even affects the character in any way (if it does feel free to correct me) and there is a maid test option, but that is simply to see if your maid leveled a rank, and if she did she will have more things available (like clothes unlockables and such.).


Apart from that the game does not really offer you anything, so without further delay let's venture into the play room.

~ The Juicy Bits ~

The options: You start off with a selection of 5 locations, each one of the locations will have different positions and actions available for you to experiment with. The variations of locations is picked nicely and the lack in number makes up in creativity. The picks available are your standard bedroom, the bath, host club (for public stuff), pool (which is kind of a mix between the bath and the host club) and finally a BDSM room.


Once that is done you will move to the selection of the positions, the game really shines here as you really have an extensive selection, from all your standard sex poses (Both vaginal and anal), to toys with you pleasuring her or pleasuring her self, BJ's, paizuri, 69, threesomes, and some weird stuff for the bdsm room.


Once you selected your options, of 4 actions per day, you move to the actual H part of the game.

The graphics: As i mentioned in the beginning, the graphics are pretty average, the screenshots you see are taken with pretty high graphics and eventhe game doesn't look impressive. One of the issues is the shading, with boom and depth of field on, the game looks blurry and foggy, like the camera was slightly drunk, without them on the game looks slightly choppy.

The textures available are up to 4096, but the textures don't really contain much detail on them, so setting it up that high is not going to change much.

Also the physics in the game are lacking, clothes in some cases act like they shouldn't, especially the skirts, making them seem stiff. Hair physics is even worse, the hair jumps way too much and in way too random directions giving the impression that gravity seems to avoid the girls hair, the fact that the hair is done in chunks doesn't benefit this at all either.

Collision detection for the hair seems to be a common issue too, quite often the hair will phase through objects, this is especially noticeable with long hair and the wings accessory.


And last but not least, the male models, while i understand the game trying to make the male character look like something you could imagine your self in its position, a low resolution transparent thing that kinda looks like a man would not be my choice.


The sounds: This is one part that is done really well, the voice acting is at a really good quality, with noticeable differences between various states of arousal and the 4 available personalities.

Gameplay: The gameplay consists of a selection of options in a menu, which trigger various options, the scene is controlled by two bars servitude and reason, servitude is basically the amount of actions you still can do in the scene, reason is more important, if that runs out your scenes will stop for the day. So the key to the gameplay is to balance out between the two.

As you do various actions the many stats the maid has will increase or decrease, these are important for various special maid ranks and also certain actions may cause a personality shift in the maid.


Also as you do the actions the maid will level up in that specific skill, in turn unlocking new options to select from and once the level is high enough unlock extra options for the position on hand.

And a couple more screenshots:


~ The End Word ~

The game is pretty average when you add everything together, though the positions are really nice, so if you like the graphics style and have some time to waste, its a nice tittle to check out.

Once again no numerical score, you won't find that here.
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